Vote Today, Shape Tomorrow

The ÖH election in 2023 has great significance. Inflation, instability and inclusion affect us all. With our concept for activation, we showed that a voice counts not only for the study, but also for our society.


ÖH - Österreichische Hochschuler:innenschaft



Excuse me, it's 2023

How do you motivate 400,000 students to go to the ballot box?

Since 1946, the Austrian Students' Union (ÖH)  has represented the interests of all students with a focus on advising, integration, climate protection and much more.

The election of this representation at the federal, university and student level is therefore of greater importance in 2023 than many people realize.

New paths for tomorrow

For this reason, we set up a comprehensive creative concept with multi-phase campaign strategy to inform organization & voter activation - including visual evolution of the new brand for the campaign, honest-critical claims and new digital channels.

Inflation, instability, inclusion - as contemporary communication on points that particularly concern students at the moment. Separated from partisan political aspirations of the election advertising groups, but prospective with for the first time English main claim Vote Today, Shape Tomorrow we show that students have impact on tomorrow through their vote. In their studies and in our society as an important group of this.

Distribution of these messages through new digital and out-of-home activities as well as media cooperations. One of these new digital touchpoints this year was the ÖH web app, which we co-concepted and which made it possible to apply for absentee ballots online in just a few steps. The app, which we developed using UIUX, is designed for rapid mobile operation and lays the foundation for an e-voting function that will be possible in the future.