Unsere Stadt in deiner Hand

Wiener Stadtwerke is Vienna's infrastructure service provider and we’ve created 2023 their apprenticeship recruiting campaign.


Wiener Stadtwerke


Campaign, Content


Wiener Stadtwerke stands for the interplay between divers professions, people and companies, operating in areas of mobility, energy, information technology and funeral gardening. Our apprenticeship recruiting campaign 2023 emphasizes the importance of every individual, as well as the companys and our citys cohesion.

With “Unsere Stadt in deiner Hand – 18 Lehrberufe. Mach einen zu deinem.” we created a message empowering young people to shape their own and the future of their city.


An der Entstehung des Projekts waren unter anderem die folgenden Personen beteiligt. Vielen Dank!

Director – Roland Schafek
DoP – Fábio Mota

Producer – Sara Zaza

Production Assistant – Sabine Tatzgern

AD – Michael Vaccaro

First AC: – Richard Belicky

Gaffer – Istvan Pajor

Best Boy – Juned Khan

MUA – Babsy Neundlinger

Ton – Matthias Ermert
Motion Design - Bounty Studio
Text – Jasmin Tomschi & Julian Grandke